2015年5月27日 星期三


早上看到新聞消息:John Frusciante will no longer release music for public consumption,心中又是一驚,雖然小僧真心皈依紅椒門已經是他離團一年後,不論是離團前還是離團後,我其實一張專輯也沒有買過。


– Would you consider performing your new music, even for a small crowd?
– "No, I have no interest in playing live. I really don’t think of myself as a performer anymore. It was never something that came naturally to me. It was something that I adapted to, but it was never really an expression of who I was. [...] I’m not a performer. I don’t appreciate the effect that audiences have on me, because for me music is something that comes from inside of me. And music is something that I immerse myself in, and when I’m in front of an audience, I can’t ignore my surroundings and I can’t ignore the way they make me feel. They make me feel good, the audiences. But then I find that I’m not so much reaching inside myself to create something, but I’m more trying to meet with their expectations. And I’m trying to do something that’s entertaining to them".
"I needed to specifically make music that I know wouldn't sell in order to learn things. And I’m gonna keep doing that for the rest of my life." John Frusciante - Billboard, 2013


Red Hot Chili Peppers - Don't Forget Me

John Frusciante - Wayne

This song was recorded for my friend Wayne Forman, the coolest, kindest friend anybody could ever have. When I used to play in arenas I would often mentally aim my playing at him. Wayne loved long guitar solos, and he was my favorite person in the audience to play for. As everyone who knew him is well aware, he was also the best chef ever. When I saw him two days ago, he was laying in front of a CD player, so when I came home I decided I'd make something for him. I recorded this solo for him to hear, but I finished it a day too late, so now it is a tribute to his memory. It is what he would have wanted me to play for him, and it is my offering to his family and friends all over the world, as well as anybody else. Wayno lives in our hearts forever, the greatest guy anybody could ever know. I'm so lucky to have been graced by his friendship. All the love in the world to him.

John Frusciante - The Empyrean (Full Album)

